Trading Computer Guides & Resources

Throughout my career I’ve had thousands of conversations about computers with traders. In fact, I’ve lost count. This started way before EZ Trading Computers even existed. I would have friends and relatives asking me questions about computers for trading. When I was a stock broker working on the trading floor and at investment firms, I helped design and set up multi-monitor trading computer workstations. 

You know what I’ve noticed? 

From then until now, I hear the same questions over and over. Here’s the thing – even though we have Google and information at our finger tips any hour of the day, it can still be super confusing. 

Since the inception of EZ Trading Computers, I’ve been working to distill everything that I’ve learned in my blogs, videos, and guides. Traders shouldn’t have to be distracted by figuring out computers for trading and computer hardware. I’ve made it part of my career to be the guinea pig on these issues for you. 

I’ve always let my content be driven by traders needs; whether it be through a direct conversation or from surveys I’ve done (with over 10,000 responses!). I decided it would be helpful if I put everything in one place so that you have answers to all your trading technology related questions.


Tips For Buying A Trading Computer

3 Winning Elements Of A Great Trading Computer

3 crucial hardware components that are a requirement in a computer for trading.

How You Can Get The Best Value Out Of Trading Computers

Know what areas of your computer you should invest in and what computer hardware you should avoid overspending.

5 Trading Computer Myths You Shouldn’t Fall For

Learn what are the 5 most common computer myths and how the real facts to these myths could save you time and money.

10 Tips To Buy The Fastest Trading Computer

Get 10 valuable tips to purchase a fast trading computer from lifelong trader and computer geek, Eddie Z.

5 Winning Elements Of The Best Day Trading Computer

5 essential elements to have installed in computers for day trading. A few of these tips might surprise you!

Buying A Laptop For Trading

Mac vs PC

Should you trade on a Mac or a PC? This guide gives you all the information you need to know the answer.

Trading Laptops For Traveling

How to know which laptop is right for your style of trading. In this post I go over what size, weight, processor, memory, and hard drive should be in a trading laptop.

Is Portability or Ability More Important In Trading Laptops?

Should portability or ability be your main concern in a laptop for trading? Learn how to find the balance of both in trading laptops.

Which Trading Laptop Is The Best Option for You?

Learn which EZ laptop is best suited for your style of trading.

Setting Up Your Trading Computer

Quick Start Video Series

Use this video series to make setting up your EZ Trading Computer quick and easy.

How To Transfer Your Files From Your Old Computer To Your New Computer

Learn how to safely transfer all of your programs and files from your old computer to your new trading computer.

Computer Advice For Active Traders

Which Trading Computer For Forex Traders

Learn which computers are best suited for Forex trading. This guide will show you how to pick a PC that is affordable, fast, and able to support multi-monitors.

A Tale Of Two Trading Computer Users: Which Are You?

Know how to identify what type of computer user you are in order to know what hardware requirements you need in a computer for trading.

Upgrading Your Trading Computer

Will Upgrading RAM Give You A Huge Performance Boost?

Can such a small, inexpensive upgrade really make a difference in your trading computer’s speed? Find out here.

3 Reasons You Are Hesitating To Upgrade Your Trading Computer

Learn common reasons Traders put off upgrading their trading computers and why you might be putting yourself at risk.

6 Upgrades For Traders In 2016

Six upgrades that are super simple and can make a big impact on your trading in 2016.

Why You Should Upgrade To Multi Monitors Right Now

Are multi-monitors necessary? Learn why I think they are essential and how upgrading your workstation can actually help you trade better.

3 Emerging Technologies That We Love

Technology evolves at a super rapid pace. New gadgets and devices are entering the market all the time. Here’s a few that peak my interest.

Performance and System Maintenance

How To Monitor Your Trading Computer CPU Performance

Easily monitor your computers performance and efficiency by using your computer’s task manager.

How To Upgrade Adobe Flash

Videos suddenly not playing on your computer? Outdated Adobe Flash might be the culprit. A quick upgrade solves this issue easily.

How To Clear Your Web Browsers Cookies and Cache

Have you ever been locked out of your membership site or bank account even though your entering in the right user name and password? Your browser’s cookies and cache could be the issue.

Windows Tips and Shortcuts


How To Recover A File From Your Recycle Bin

Deleted an important file on accident? There is an easy way to recover the file quickly.

How To Safely Eject Devices From Your Trading Computer

Learn how to remove USB devices from your trading computer with out damaging any files or important information.

How To Rename Files On Your Computer

Efficiency and organization is key to doing more in less time. Learn how to update file names to make finding essential files quickly.


How To View All Your Programs In Windows 7

If you tend to have several windows open at once, this tip will save you tons of time toggling through all of your open windows to find the one you want to use.

Searching For Files On Windows 7

Often, finding saved files can be frustrating. Maybe the file was saved to a different area of your computer than you thought. Here’s how to find your files using search.

Hidden Feature To Minimize Open Windows In One Step

Useful hidden Windows feature to close all of your open application windows in one quick step.

Customizing Your Desktop

Turn Any Website Into A Desktop App With Google Chrome

Do you visit trading news websites often? This quick tip will help you access your favorite sites with one click right from your desktop.

How To Create Application Shortcuts On Your Start Menu

Streamline your computer’s navigation by creating application shortcuts to your most used apps on your start menu.

Changing Your Default Time Zone In Windows 7

Your computer’s default time zone can have a big impact on software that uses timestamps to record data. This is when you should adjust it.

Increasing Your Computers Default Font Size

Do you ever get headaches from sitting at your computer all day? You might be straining to see detailed information on your screen. Adjusting the size of your computer’s font might solve this issue for you.

How To Customize Your Start Panel Menu

Did you know you can customize your start menu? I go over which customizations you should make on this page.

Computer Viruses

Everything You Fear About Trading Computer Viruses Is Wrong

Every Trader should know the truth about viruses and how to really protect your self – and others – from losing valuable information.

3 Warning Signs Your Trading Computer Already Has A Virus

Does your trading computer have a virus and you don’t know? These are the most common signs that your computer has a virus.

Optimize Your Computer For Trading

Tips To Fix Trading Computer Price Data Lag

Traders should never have to deal with out dated market data. With these tips, you will never have to deal with this issue again.

My Favorite Productivity And Trading Tools

Over the years, I’ve acquired practices and tools that help me trade better. These are some of the most useful trading tools that I personally use everyday.

Operating Systems

Windows 10

To Upgrade Or Not to Upgrade To Windows 10

A new operating system is on the market for consumers to download and upgrade their computer. Should you be using Windows 10? This is why I think you shouldn’t.

EZ Way To Understand Windows 10 Upgrade

A simple quick way to know all the details about upgrading to Windows 10 whether you have an existing machine or you’re thinking of buying a new PC.

I Upgraded My Trading Computer To Windows 10 and This is What Happened

I upgraded my personal trading computers to Windows 10 and this is what happened to me – and not all of it was good.

Windows 8

Do You Really Need This Distraction? Windows 8

With so much concern around constant updates and security patches, should you risk the update to Windows 8?

Windows XP

One Year Later Windows XP Update

In April of 2014, Microsoft ended its support of Windows XP. Yet, traders are still operating on this platform more than a year later.

Data Loss

Addressing Risk of Personal Data Loss Before It Becomes Risky

As traders, we are always assessing risk. When it comes to your personal data, you should know what might be risky before it costs you valuable information.


There are more trading computer tips like this in our buyers guide. Check out our “How To Buy a Trading Computer” e-book.

Remember, we are here to help with all your technology related questions. If you think of additional questions about computer hardware or other questions, give me a call. My team and I are here to help. We’re happy to answer any of your questions about trading computers via phone: 800-387-5250